I had wanted to do a JNLC since supporting over legs 3/4 in 2011.
Having lost all interest in competitive running from my late 40`s,
with absence of racing and speed sessions all pace went, so now I can
only muster a sedate plod. A sub 12 hr completion as a V50 I felt to
be unachievable which meant hanging on until 55. This belief was
reinforced by friend and companion on many adventures in the hills
Jon Whilock`s 11 hours 20 minutes completion as a V50 in 2017. 2018
marked my 55
th year, thus gaining the extra vital 3 hours.
April 14
th was picked as the day. I stepped up my miles
from January but the Winter weather made big hill training difficult.
A trip out for the HPM was torpedoed by the Beast from the East. A
planned recce weekend coincided with the arrival of Beast from the
East 2. The first day we did legs 1 and 2 in conditions that were
simply dangerous. Not having learnt any lessons, and with a further
sprinkling of snow during the night the next day we went up to
Styhead with the idea of recceing the descent from Great End. Just
gazing up at it, whilst trying to stand up in the gale with skin and
eyeballs freezing told us it would be suicidal. Undeterred, Great
Gable became the target. 10 steps of ascent later, trying to balance
on the sheet ice on the flags whilst battered by hurricane laid bare
our stupidity so down we came. With 10 days to go I acquired
infection with the small round virus at work. The gastrointestinal
upset settled within 24 hours but I was left feeling washed out and
knackered. Walking the dog was trial. The whole thing looked in
jeopardy. With 3 days to go I was feeling almost better, so it was
game on.
There was no
schedule as such. I knew the peril of schedules (Simon Reed`s Ramsay
Round) so just had a rough plan to be at Dunmail within 6 hours and
Styhead within 10, leaving 5 for the big beasts at the end. The plan
was aided by my watch battery having run out 2 days before so I had
no idea what time it was anyway. At 04.48 with Jon, Bryan Lomas, and
Todd Coxhead it was off. As we climbed, we entered thick clag which
was to persist all the way to Steel Fell. The combination of dark,
clag, and very wet going underfoot made for slow progress. By Loadpot
Hill the headtorches were off, but the clag made navigation
challenging. Jon`s nav was faultless so steady progress was
continued. By Kidsty Pike a biting easterly wind necessitated donning
of cags, hats and gloves. Jon`s route choice to Kirkstone was spot
on, and Dave Harrison was waiting in his van to offer encouragement
as we passed through. The route choices through leg 2 were spot on,
and spirits in the group remained high. As we dropped out of the clag
in the descent to Dunmail, we could see Steel Fell rising like a
colossus into the mist on the other side of the valley.
Bryan and Todd
handed over to Pete Carvell, Keith Covell, and Ant Bethell whilst Jon
carried on. In anticipation of better weather to come spare fleece
and overtrousers were ditched to reduce baggage. As we passed Steel
Fell summit, the clag began to break, and sunlight burst through the
cloud above. The cloud melted away, and thereafter the day was
perfect, and we were treated to the stunning vista of hills we had
previously been denied. We met Dave just below the drop off cairn for
the descent from Great End, and we could see Andy Swift in day-glo
kit waiting what seemed a huge distance below. There was some debate
as to the best route choice of either direct drop off versus
retracing steps to Esk Hause to get to Styhead as we descended. I
suspect the best way is the way you aren`t going. Jon had cut off
from below Rossit Pike to Styhead, and was waiting with words of
encouragement at the stretcher shelter. Keith called it a day, and
descended with Jon for a well earned pint in the pub. We plodded on.
From Great Gable summit my wheels began to fall off, reflecting lack
of hill training. Eating and drinking had become a real chore. Dave`s
orienteering background showed in flawless line choice. Ant
demonstrated his descending prowess in the scree run off Gable
dropping like a peregrine as we tried our best to emulate his speed.
The descent from the gully from Kirk Fell was made more interesting
by a huge patch of snow at its entrance, with a drop into the abyss
on the right.
Leg 4 - photo: Ant Bethell |
A slip would have resulted in serious consequences.
Pete called it a day and dropped down to Wasdale. My flagging morale
was maintained by the group banter, and stunning views of Wasdale and
the coast. The hills appeared even more beautiful as the sun lowered.
After the drop-off from Seatallan Ant suddenly spotted he had lost
his GPS. There were no volunteers to accompany him in his quest back
to find it, so he retraced our steps alone.
Middle Fell summit soon
came, and the fantastic descent to Greendale Bridge where the team
were waiting. What a relief to finish, at 17.41, 12 hours and 53
minutes after starting. By the time I had begun to feel vaguely human
again Ant had returned, reunited with his missing kit. Perfect end to
a perfect day! Sorry to Todd and Bry who saw nothing on the hills
apart from the clag!
Many thanks to
Carrie for road support, and Bryan Lomas and Pete Carvell (Congleton
Harriers, my club), Todd Coxhead, Keith Covell and Andy Swift (Rolls
Royce Harriers), Jon Whilock (Staffordshire Moorlands AC), Ant Bethel
(Eyri Harriers), and Dave Harrison (Dark Peak FR) for support in the